The 8’6” Soft Top Foam Surfboard is perfect for people looking for a hassle-free board for learning to surf or for the small waves on My Khe Beach.
8’6 Soft Top Surfboard
$4.00 – $7.00
Special offer
The 8’6” Soft Top Foam Surfboard is perfect for people looking for a hassle-free board for learning to surf and getting maximum pleasure in the minimum time. Wide and Stable with lots of volume these boards are great for beginner and intermediate surfers on the small to medium sized waves (up to 1.5m). It’s made from durable materials so it stays tough and handles a good amount of impact. . Take this out and try it out for yourself when the waves look promising enough for a surf session.
Dimensions (inches): 8’6″ x 23.3″ 3.0″
Volume (L): 90 liters Weight (kgs) 80kg:
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Soft Top Surfboard Rentals | Half Day Rental, Full Day Rental |